Sources of Funding


  • AngelList has an excellent database of 351 angels resident in Spain and 3,157 angels interested in investing in Spain.
  • ESBAN is the Spanish association of business angels

Spanish State Support for Startups

  • AXIS is a venture capital fund owned by the Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO), a state-owned bank. It manages or actively participates in four funds:
    • FOND-ICO Global – promotes the creation of VC funds investing in Spanish companies at all developmental stages.
    • FOND-ICOpyme – provides finance and long-term business vision for firms’ expansion plans.
    • FOND-ICOinfraestructuras – participates in projects involving transport infrastructure, energy, social aspects and services.
    • Fondo Isabel la Católica – provides equite to Business Angels and other non-institutional investors to promote the financing of innovative companies.
  • Chamber of Commerce The local Chambers of Commerce in Spain (Cámaras de Comercio) offer free business advice and support for entrepreneurs and may also offer financing grants.
  • CIRCE The Information Centre & Business Setup Network (Centro de Información y Red de Creación de Empresas -CIRCE) is an online portal that makes it possible to setup various forms of organisation online.
  • DPYME The office for small and medium sized businesses. May provide financing grants depending on type of business.
  • Enisa Enisa provides financing lines to small and medium sized Spanish companies with innovative or transformative growth prospects.
  • Invest In Spain is a website geared towards outside investors interested in developing their business in Spain but has some useful. albeit high-level, information for anyone considering starting a business in Spain. It also includes a comprehensive Guide to Business in Spain. Information is in Spanish or English.

Other useful links

Photos and Images

There are a number of websites where you can get images, graphics and photos for free that can in most cases be used for commercial applications under a Creative Commons License. These include: Pexels and Pixabay.

Economic, Market and Industry Data

  • The Spanish Economy – Government run website that provides information on the overall economy and public finances.
  • Instituto Nacional de Estadistica – National statistics office with a wide range of statistics and good coverage of macro economy and tourism industry.
  • DataComex – Spanish and EU trade data.
  • Tourspain and Exceltur – provide detailed data on the Tourism industry in Spain.
  • Funca – A think tank that provides sectorial analysis reports
  • ANFAC and Faconauto – for data on the Spanish automobile industry
  • APPA – provides data on the renewables industry in Spain