Building a Better World With Deep Tech

Building a Better World With Deep Tech

How do you stay optimistic in a world facing a Polycrisis? Lethargic economies, war, pandemics, rising extremism and political polarisation. The litany of plight that you are exposed to as you doom scroll your preferred social media platform just seems to grow. And...

The 5 Levers of Project Governance

Bill Gates estimates the world needs to build the equivalent of a New York City every month for the next forty years. But the engineering and construction (E&C) industry that will deliver the majority of this investment is failing to deliver. A study by Ernst and...

ChatGPT, Projects and the Limits of AI

AI can do amazing things today, but when it comes to the messy world of projects, things become a little more challenging MATT KING 16 DEC 2022 Anyone with their pulse on the the latest technologies will have heard the buzz around ChatGPT for the last couple of weeks....